Unlock your potential with the Neurum app

Been yearning to get your hands on the Neurum app and unlock a world of self-discovery and personal growth? 🌱🔓 Well, the moment you've been waiting for has arrived!

The Neurum app provides a wide range of empowering features designed to uplift your mental health journey. And guess what? We're currently seeking participants to try out our latest and unpublicised features, and to share 100% unfiltered feedback with us.

Are you prepared to expand your mind and embrace a more fulfilling lifestyle? 🤝✨ Join the Neurum community today and embark on a transformative journey towards a happier, healthier you! 🌈🌟


✅ Enjoy full access to the Neurum app

😎 First-hand experience of our latest features that are not public yet

✅ Be able to share your candid feedback

☕️ Coffee or tea on the house

😌 Exclusive discount code of 45% off to our mindfulness partner - FLOAT or a cash voucher from a café of your choice

How to sign up:

1. Click here or scan the QR code below;

2. Fill in a short questionnaire;

3. Our team will reach out to schedule a face-to-face/virtual meeting with you shortly.


🌱🔓 好消息!我們正招募參加者,體驗Neurum應用程式一系列自我護理功能,提升您的心理健康。另外,我們參與者可以試用我們最新且未公開的功能,並與我們分享100%真實的意見。



✅ 全面使用Neurum應用程式

😎 第一手體驗尚未公開的最新功能

✅ 坦率分享你的意見

😌 FLOAT 獨家45%折扣碼或咖啡現金券


  1. 點擊此處或掃描二維碼;
  2. 填寫簡短問卷;
  3. 我們的團隊將與您聯繫,安排面對面或線上會面。
Scan to sign up 掃描二維碼報名
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